Image by storyset

Work Commute Struggle

Hey, it’s been a while since I last posted. Life has been a whirlwind, and it’s made me reflect deeply on the importance of work-life balance. I’ve written before about choosing balance over chasing paychecks (Read here), but lately, life feels tougher than ever. Work commute struggle is real, everyone.

I hold a PhD, but my resume might surprise you. Low-paying jobs like retail assistant roles fill my resume. To some, this might seem odd, but for me, the choice has always been simple: work-life balance over salary. I’ve always prioritised jobs close to home, even if they paid less, as long as they met my needs.

Image courtesy of Drazen Zigic
What I look like everyday
Image courtesy of Drazen Zigic

But now, for the first time (in a long time), I’m working far from home, facing a daily four-hour commute. It’s exhausting. I’ve sacrificed sleep, skipped meals, and my weekends barely feel like breaks anymore. The toll has been heavy—I’ve even started saying no to opportunities like free concert tickets, simply because the energy to endure traffic and crowded venues isn’t worth it.

I agreed to this transfer because of hybrid work, but it now feels like a distant promise. Unlike other departments that fully embrace work-from-home flexibility, I constantly have to justify my need for it. I can complete most of my tasks virtually, so why should I endure the draining commute? Not to mention, instead of commuting to work for a paycheck, I now find myself working just to earn enough to cover my commute. Fuel, parking, and tolls!

If a job closer to home comes along, I’d take it in a heartbeat. Health, time, and peace of mind matter more than anything.

What about you? How do you balance work and life in a world that demands so much?

Thanks for reading. Until the next available time for me to post. LOL.
