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Ignoring Toxicity: The Best Approach to a Toxic Workplace

Hey. I’ve been so caught up with my new position and new location that I haven’t had a chance to update anything here. But today, I am going to talk about toxic workplace (you can refer about toxic workplace here). I need an outlet because I’ve been incredibly frustrated with how this one person treated another person. This fella is human just like you, dimwit. I couldn’t stand it because I wouldn’t like it either!

You know, I have a PhD, which stands for “Doctor of Philosophy.” I sacrificed four years of my life to earn it. But in Malay terms, it can mean “Perasaan Hasad Dengki” (feelings of envy and jealousy). Instead of meeting those with Doctorates, I’ve encountered many with the latter title. It’s disheartening how some people try to bring you down for no reason. It’s weird and it’s not just my mild anxiety talking; it’s their words and behavior. I could easily provide proof and reenact their actions.

Toxic workplace
Image by The Simple Sum

These individuals try to badmouth you, dim your light, take credit for your work but point out your fault, show hate, speak rudely, and act unfairly. They even make simple things complicated for you. They might also ask you to do something that ultimately results in you being blamed.

Ignoring is the Best Way…

However, as I grow older and (hopefully) more mature, I’ve learned to ignore and avoid such people. In my previous post, “Volunteering: My Story of Initiative and Learning in the Workplace,” I mentioned my active involvement. However, I’m no longer as engaged and only participate when asked. There’s someone who didn’t like me getting involved at all. Well, if you crave attention, I’m giving way for you to attain it. This is Liyana. I don’t seek attention. Attention finds its way to me naturally. (I’m joking, guys.)

Some people find it odd that I prefer to isolate myself from the world. Besides being an introvert, I want to steer clear of drama. Others tell me I need to socialise to climb the ranks quickly, but if sucking up and tolerating toxicity are the only paths to succeed, I’d rather stay where I am.

Thank you for reading my little vent session. Sometimes, you just need to let it out of your system to avoid toxic buildup. And I just hope the fella I mentioned above is going to be okay.

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